Southern Paws Grooming and Spa Services
The friendliest and best dog groomers in Ringgold GA!
- From luxurious baths and de-shedding treatments to nail clipping, ear cleaning/plucking, and even teeth brushing, our skilled team is here to pamper your pup here in Ringgold Ga. We also offer a self-washing station for pet owners who prefer a hands-on approach. With our state-of-the-art equipment and an exceptional staff, your dog's care and comfort are our highest priorities
- Professional dog grooming is more than just a luxury; it is a crucial aspect of responsible pet care. From improving your dog's coat and skin health to early detection of health issues and stress-free grooming experiences, the benefits are numerous.
- Regular grooming sessions not only keep your dog looking their best but also contribute to their overall health and happiness. Invest in your dog's well-being by scheduling regular visits to a professional groomer and providing them with the care and attention they deserve!